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Rosemarie Haas - June 1, 2020

Addiction Recovery Ministry

Alleluia!  Finally we can begin to come together again!


During this time of isolation, I have been giving weekly presentations on the 12 steps and will continue to so, not just with the 12 steps but also 12 Traditions and promises of 12-step recovery.  The presentations can be viewed on the website, www.addictionrecoveryministrypittsburgh.org and on Facebook in the group Addiction Recovery Ministry Pittsburgh.  Please share this information with people for whom you think it might be helpful.

       Also on the website are several of my reflections.  I hope you find them helpful.

       This time of isolation has been very hard on those in recovery.  Many 12-step meetings have not met and some have been doing Zoom meetings.  Not being able to come together in community has fed into a sense of loneliness and isolation, causing for some to experience relapses.  Now as we begin to come together and meetings begin again to gather, let us all pray for and reach out to all those for whom the time of “social distance” has been toxic, not with an attitude of judgment, but with hearts of love.

       In today’s reflection in Al-Anon’s “Courage to Change” book of meditations it says,

“I have the right to choose my own standards of conduct but I do not have the right or the power to impose those standards on others.”

“I have accepted myself and I’m beginning to accept other people the way they are each day.  Now I have fewer resentments.”

Let us always love one another.

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